Our Story

I started the brand as an attempt to do something clean and legit. Something I wouldn’t have to look over my shoulder doing. I grew up just hustling whatever I can get my hands on. Growing up I didn’t have a lot of resources or opportunities. So my main objective was to overcome my obstacles, get more resources and create opportunities. I managed to save up some money. Took the last of my money and bought my first heat press & vinyl machine.

I started the brand Trap Galore with the acronym of Trap meaning Try Rising Above Poverty. With the meaning being the foundation of the brand, it was my way to connect with people encouraging them to rise above their circumstances. So where ever you see Trap throughout the brand you can associate the acronyms.

My inspiration behind #girlstrapharder came from being raised by all women. Watching my mother work hard & provide for my sisters and I growing up.

Girls Trap Harder started as an effort to highlight the work, hustle, and ambition of women that we all benefit from daily. Often times women are the foundation and driving force behind great successes and everyday conveniences, and their efforts go unnoticed. Whether you are in school, working, or raising children (sometimes all 3) we want to recognize those efforts, and in our own way say thank you.

Women have been a foundation to the success of my brand and also in my life! Just want to show my appreciation through my creativity. S/O my Mother, Auntie, Sisters and Grandmothers. My inspiration behind Girls Trap Harder!

We need your help spreading the word! You can help by using the #girlstrapharder when ever someone share an accomplishment, send us pics and giving us reviews and honest feedback on how you feel about the brand. Thank you!